What does your donations processor charge you?
Well, quite a lot really.
Here is a list of some of the most popular donations platforms, with a link to their prices pages and some of the charges you could easily miss:
- Local Giving – look out for their membership fee of £96 per year and their extraordinary donation fee of 5%!
- EveryClick – has a smorgasbord of charges! Look out for the 4.8% donations fee.
- CAF Donate – oblige donors to pay an eye-watering 3.6% on donations AND on gift aid.
- JustGiving – charges a monthly fee, and takes a share of your gift aid, almost 2% on charity payment processing. JustGiving and then just give a bit more!
- Virgin Money Giving – likes to compare itself favorably with JustGiving, but beware the annual fee and the blink and you’ll miss it 3.45% ‘card processing’ fee.
Trust us, they’ve made their fees as complicated as possible so that you can’t see just how much you and your donors are paying out.
Fortunately, we have created some handy links (above) to their fees so you can check for yourself just how much money they charge you.